Rails docker template

Rails docker template


1 min read

Hey there ! ๐ŸŒŸ This isn't just another article loaded with tips and tricks. Think of it as your secret weapon, a magical toolkit gifted to you ๐Ÿ˜‰

Embarking on the quest of job applications, we often find ourselves too enchanted by the call of laziness to conjure up a container complete with a Sidekiq, a test database, and a Redis server.

Fear not, for I have conjured up a treasure chest on this GitHub repo: https://github.com/MohamedASalem/rails_docker_template

Within this chest, you shall find:

  • A Rails 6.1.7 server

  • A Development Postgres 13 Database

  • A Test Postgres 13 Database

  • A Redis 7 Server

  • A Sidekiq worker

Arm yourself with this arsenal, and may it light your path through the daunting dungeons of job hunting. Wishing you all the luck and a sprinkle of magic dust on your journey! โœจ
